Friday, July 25, 2008

Time for Comprehensive Public Transportation

From the Seattle Times:
Sound Transit is putting a $17.9 billion rail and bus plan on the November ballot, in hopes that voters overlook this year's economic slowdown and think long-term.
More than two-thirds of the money would be spent to build 34 miles of light-rail extensions, reaching the Overlake Transit Center near Microsoft in 2021, and Lynnwood and north Federal Way by 2023.
Late next year, light-rail service begins from downtown Seattle to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; a north line to Capitol Hill and Husky Stadium is already scheduled for completion in 2016.
Dear Fellow Seattleites,

With the cost of gasoline on the rise and with some analysts projecting that $5.00 per gallon gas may just be over the horizon, it is time for the citizens of the Puget Sound to take public transit seriously. Yes... It's expensive. Yes... Roadway and infrastructure construction can take a long time and put your blood in a boil due to congestion. However, the sad truth is that our current roads cannot support the population growth in the region.

We have two options... Pave over the last remaining green spaces in our cities and build a new bridge across Lake Washington... or... invest in public transportation. I can tell you which option I prefer: As a life long resident of the Puget Sound region, I choose comprehensive public transportation.

An investment today will help us to preserve the natural beauty of the Puget Sound -- which is what makes living here so enjoyable -- and -- just as important -- help us to retain our sanity.

Educate yourself about the proposal by clicking here!

Yours Truly,


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